If you’ve never done an air filter replacement yourself, I promise you can! It’s so easy.
If you do this yourself, it should be around $30 and it takes 5 minutes. If you have a professional do this, it’ll be $70+!
There are so many benefits to changing your HVAC air filters regularly.
It improves your home’s overall energy efficiency, extends the life of your HVAC unit, and improves the overall home air quality.
We ordered our air filters from Nordic Pure on Amazon.
1. Open the box underneath your HVAC unit.
2. Take out the old filter (and admire how dusty it is).
We try to do this every 3 months, so we write the date on it every time we install a new one.
3. Check that the airflow is going up and slide new filter in.
4. Close it back up. (That’s it!)
While we were at it I decided to dust our grates as well.
It’s that easy! Another 5% Saturday in the books!
I recently read that 29% of Americans never change their air filters. EVER! That stat makes me squirmy. Let’s make air filter replacement part of our regular home maintenance, yeah? Who’s with me?