This week I noticed so many small tasks around the house that I’d been putting off for too long (weeks, months, even years for some of these things). I was sick and tired of saying “we’ll finish that later” and decided to dedicate our Saturday to finally checking off those boxes.
Here’s what was on our punch list:
1. Hang a trailing plant from the ceiling.

I’ve had this anchor in the ceiling ready to go for months. Such a simple task, yet it truly added so much to our room!

I spraypainted the hook beige to blend in with our ceiling (which is painted with Roman Clay in the color Brooks), and screwed the hook into this anchor. This system is rated for up to 50 pounds. To install the hardware in the ceiling, simply drill a small hole in the ceiling (slightly smaller than the anchor, so the anchor is a really tight fit inside the hole). Then grab a hammer and tap the anchor into place. Now you can screw the hook into it and hang your plant!
If you prefer faux plants, here is a link for a great faux philodendron that I’ve used in a room makeover before. The quality is top-notch! I’ve been happy with everything I’ve ordered from
All of our bedroom sources are saved in this blog post.

2. Install cabinet doors under our farmhouse sink.

Closed storage…finally! Seeing everything under the sink has bothered me for a year and a half, and all it took was four screws and about 20 minutes to solve the problem. I put it off so long because I thought we would need to trim down the doors to accommodate our farmhouse sink. Turns out, they fit just fine! (You can see they hang down slightly lower than the door on the left, but that doesn’t bother me since these doors are temporary anyway.)

We cut pieces of white oak to size to fill in these small gaps and secured them with wood glue. We filled in the slight seams with wood filler and sanded that down with a detail sander about an hour later. I highly recommend this detail sander– I’ve been using it nonstop lately!
Our cabinets are budget-friendly and almost always in stock at Lowe’s. We used this 36 x 35 x 23.75 one and cut the faux drawer off the top to fit in our sink.

3. Paint a wall white.

Basic, but oh-so-satisfying. The walls to the left and right of this one were already the white we like, but for some reason, we just left this one the original color. It was a white shade with a slight green/yellow undertone, so it stuck out like a sore thumb. We went over it with two coats of Chantilly Lace in eggshell by Benjamin Moore. Much better!
Bonus points: Go through storage boxes in the garage.
We spent about an hour going through bins and ended up filling up the entire trunk of our SUV with donations, returns, and hazardous waste (think motor oil and other car chemicals we no longer need). We’ll head to our local hazardous waste facility and Goodwill tomorrow. We have a dozen or so of these bins from the container store to organize our stuff!

Finally out of the 95% club, baby!!! Join us next week and tag me in stories @sarahellenrandall so we can share and help motivate others!