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My Postpartum Essentials

June 12, 2023

Sarah Randall

follow @sarahellenrandall

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Hi, we're Jake and Sarah

Here are the main things I used during my recovery:

Disposable Underwear
This might seem like a little much, but trust me- things are MESSY after giving birth! Literally everything is leaking. I used disposable underwear for 2-3 weeks postpartum, and then was able to switch to boy shorts with liners.

Hatch Restore
This was crucial for all of the middle-of-the-night feeds! It’s nice not to have to turn on a bright lamp.

Mattress Protection
Yes, I needed this even with the disposable underwear. So. Much. Blood.

I’ve tried four different brands in the last month, and these have been the best in my opinion. They are infused with vitamin E for sensitive skin and baking soda for odor protection, and have been the most absorbent. It’s helpful to add a witch hazel pad on top of the liner, as they help with stinging.

Peri Bottle
Speaking of stinging…ouch! If you’ve had any sort of tear, it really stings when using the bathroom. This spray bottle helps to dilute the urine so that the stinging isn’t so intense. The hospital will likely send you home with a bottle, but this one has a much better design.

Nipple Cream
I used this frequently the first three weeks as my nipples were very chapped and developing callouses. It’s safe for the baby, so you don’t have to remove it before breastfeeding. These silverette nipple covers also came highly recommended for pain relief.

Genexa Pain Relief
The womb shrinking back to it’s pre-pregnancy size often results in painful contractions! They feel like strong menstrual cramps. I took this to help ease the pain.

Electrolyte Powder (I like the lemonade flavor)
Saying I felt dehydrated after giving birth is an understatement- this my favorite electrolyte powder to replenish hydration! I’ve continued to take it as I sometimes feel depleted from all the nursing.

Postnatal Liquid Iron Supplement
My doctor asked that I start on an iron supplement right away, as my iron levels were low from losing so much blood during delivery. This liquid iron is specifically formulated for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Nursing Breast Pads
Like I said- everything is leaking! I’ve had to wear these day and night since my milk came in on day 4 or 5 postpartum.

I mostly just wore a robe for the first few days, because my breasts were too sore to wear a bra and I was pretty much just in bed! I think after about 4 or 5 days I was ready to try a short walk outside. I wore really lose clothes and my cloud slides. I only lasted about five minutes the first day, but getting outside and feeling the sunshine was so worth it! Every day after that, our walks increased in length by about five minutes. I wore dresses and skirts only for the first few weeks, and pants again between weeks 3 and 4. That felt amazing!

Personally, I was ready to see people pretty quickly. We had family and friends bring dinner every night for the first two weeks, which was such a lifesaver (highly recommend setting up a meal train if you can.) It was nice to have people over in the evenings because I didn’t really leave the house for two weeks. It lifted my spirit to see other people, especially while I was having such a hard time with breastfeeding. I was comfortable with family only for those first five days (since I was in bed), and then I was good with seeing friends. This will change from person to person and you should absolutely do only what you’re comfortable with! People will understand if you’re not ready to socialize yet (or at least they should!) I think common courtesy is to ask “Can we drop off a meal?” and you can invite them inside to join you only if that’s what you want.

The first few weeks are such a whirlwind, but it has already gotten so much easier and I’m only on week six. I hope this is helpful for other first time moms who aren’t sure what to expect!


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